Saturday, November 15, 2008


My friend Juan and I discovered President-Elect Obama’s weekly communiqué on YouTube today, and told each other about it. What a great idea! But without feedback, the inspiration goes only one way, the transparency is only one-sided. It needs more.

One pilot deserves another, and this blog is Our opportunity to serve that purpose. That’s the “royal Our”, meaning that Our thoughts, set down here, including various comments from readers, will tend to coalesce toward a certain perspective.

We don’t know what that perspective will be in any of several directions, based on various parts of the new administration’s emerging platform. But we hope that the phrase, “You can’t fool all the people all the time” will be part of it. Whatever one of us doesn’t think of, another will, and banking off one idea or another, a ball may occasionally hit the jackpot.

And at that point, the hopeful jackpot becomes a pilot of its own, to be tested and re-evaluated over the next term, or two.

1 comment:

1ma2t said...

National Service (Peace Corps, America Corps, Military Service, etc)can come in many specific groups. We can develop a dialog over the course of time to define the many possible groups. What I think may start us thinking is this. Rich Mansfield, myself, and others all have served in the military. We have many military bases all over the United States. Why don't we convert convert possible national crisis centers where victims of natural disasters can receive assistance (medical care, temporary shelter, and care during the types of emergencies that destroy homes, neighborhoods, and communities. We can use these converted military installations to train community project engineers, medical assistance corps, and other groups related to assisting in natural disasters. They could be regional in concept, and gear to the type of natural disasters that historically occur. More to follow as we blog.